Humorous Buzz Words That Get Us to Pay More
Summer is fast approaching and companies are gearing up their advertising plans to convince us to spend more. It can be entertaining to listen to their buzz words.
One of the buzz word phrases that have been around for a while is: "Can we Biggy Size that." This phrase means: "Can we get you to pay more for more food." Of course the regular order of food was enough and when we: "Biggy size that" it really means: "Can we add more to your expanding waist line." I think a new phrase is needed: "Can we calorie reduce that for you." Think about how much greener that would be.
Going green is of course the latest buzz word. Changing your light bulbs to energy efficient bulbs is going green. Reusing your grocery bags is going green. Going green means to be more conscience of your planet's resources. I have been working on going green. I changed all of my light bulbs to more energy efficient bulbs. That left me with a bunch of non-green bulbs that I didn't know what to do with. Maybe I can give the bulbs to my neighbors that haven't gone green yet. At least I would be recycling. That's being green right?
The airlines have their own buzz words. For example, the phrase friendly skies has been around for a number of years. Lately the airlines have been trying to make us more comfortable with our flights so we will consider flying more. Sometimes I think we are given more information then we really need to know.
This is a true story. I was scheduled to fly to Arizona and I am sitting on the plane in coach. The captain announces: "Good morning passengers it is a balmy 80 degrees in Phoenix today. We will be cruising at 31,000 feet and our estimated travel time is five hours ten minutes which will put us in Phoenix at about 1:10 pm. Before we are cleared for take off I should let you know our indicator light is on. It is showing that our fuel door is open. Just as soon as we get it closed we will prepare for our flight.
Do you really think everyone on board wanted to know that the fuel door was open?
Feeling a great urge to reply to the captain's announcement. I shouted out from my
Coach seat: "Thanks for catching that for us before we were airborne." That bit of humor delighted my co-passengers. As for the Captain's sense of humor, let's just say, the Friendly Skies were not so friendly after that.
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