Achmed the Dead Terrorist - More Don't-Miss Information About Jeff Dunham, Achmed's Awesome Creator
So, here we present to you the fantastic Mr. Jeff Dunham, the man behind some of the funniest stuff to hit the world in recent years. He is the guy who created none other than our Achmed the (incompetent) dead terrorist, one of the silliest, bumbling characters known to man, who, incidentally died from a bad dose of "premature detonation"... ahem.
Jeff is one hell of a funny stand up comedian as well as an accomplished ventriloquist and has really fought hard for many long years to get to where he is now. The art of ventriloquism has died off in past years and Jeff Dunham has really worked his corner to bring the magic of this art to the forefront of peoples' imaginations and dreams in modern day hectic lives. Abracadabra!
Through the mysterious magic of his wacky characters, a bit of humor and some wooden puppets, Jeff has managed to sell an eye popping 4 million DVD's as of March 2009.
He started practicing this unusual pastime at age 8 and never ever really found himself a "normal job" in the real world, focusing only instead on making his dreams and passions come to life. If only we all followed our hearts.
From around 1985 Jeff began entertaining the public and his appetite for doing this grew beyond recognition and now he has been on some of the most coveted prime time slots on TV.
Some his characters are:
Walter the darned grumpy old man who always has his arms folded and scowls a lot! Walter would like to run for president, and can't stand his wife or other people.. so beware!
Peanut, another character is a bit of an oddbot thing really, purple skinned, sneaker on one foot, tuft of Green hair and White fur on his body. He likes to be rude to Jeff, so enjoy his sense of humor!
Jose Jalapeno (on a stick!) - literally speaking, this is a talking Jalapeno Pepper, on a stick who wears a Sombrero hat.
Bubba J is a down and out Redneck character who sits drinking beer all day and being a complete dork, trailer trash type of guy!
Sweet Daddy Dee is a sort of pimp for Jeff... and so I assume you can conjur up all sorts of thoughts about this one!
Melvin the superhero guy, a superhero in a Blue costume who enjoys "looking at boobies" with his special x-ray vision....
Achmed the dead terrorist (yay!) - our favorite, a suicide bomber skeleton who forgets he is dead sometimes and threatens the audience members by shouting out, "Silence, I kill you!"
A great range of characters, a huge amount of fun, why not locate some Jeff Dunham footage and set up a "play list" of his clips.
I certainly recommend you look for the bit in reference to 72 virgins - it will have you in fits of laughter - you can apologise right now for upsetting others!
Now you've met Jeff the next logical step is to see what else there is to see and find out.
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