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Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Speak in South African Slang

I was chatting to an Australian on an internet forum site the other day, and I realised that we almost speak a different language. I know some of the Aussie slang, but not enough to impress the guy.

So OK, I lost out, but you don't have to! Let me give you a bunch of phrases so that you can understand a South African when you chat to him. Here goes:

Howzit. This is a greeting, short for How is it? It's used like the greeting Hi.

Braai. A Barbecue. Virtually anything edible goes on a braai, including beef, chicken, fish, potatoes, sandwiches, mushrooms, shark (really), crocodiles (not whole, and not often, but it happens!) and of course Boerewors.

Boerewors. A very long beef sausage that you cook on the braai. Often referred to as just wors. Usually rolled into a spiral shape so it can fit.

Biltong. Dried (raw) salted and spiced meat, like beef jerky. Made from various meats including beef, game, ostrich and even fish. Extremely tasty and popular

Isit. The 2 words 'is it' said as one, and meaning the same as 'really' or 'is that so.'

Kief. Really nice. Like 'That's a kief shirt dude.'

Eish. Exclamation of surprise or dismay, or even sympathy.

Bro or Bru. As in 'Howzit Bru' a greeting to a friend, short for brother in a loose sense.

Check. Look at. 'Check that Keif chick' = Look at that lovely woman.

Scaly. Not nice at all 'Check that scaly ouk' = look at that disreputable guy.

ouk or ou. A guy or man. Normally youngish. An old man is called 'an ou ballie.'

ekse. As in "Cool ekse" = Nice hey?

Gif and Durban Gif. Marijuana or dagga as it's known here. Literally 'Poison.' Can also mean Nice or potent, as in 'I had a gif date my Bru!'

Bliksem. Exclamation of surprise or pain. Lit. 'Lightning.' Some Afrikaans speaking people take offence at this word, for reasons unknown.

Jislaaik. An expression of amazement, like Gosh or Wow.

My China. My friend.

My stukkie. My girlfriend. A term not particularly liked by the ladies. Means literally 'My piece.'

Brak. Scruffy stray dog of indeterminate parentage.

Flatdog. Crocodile. Sometimes also referred to as speed bumps, from their habit of crossing national roads. However, these speed bumps tend to dislodge and remove both axles of your vehicle.

Vrot. Pronounced Frot. Rotten. Of bad quality.

Tune. Say. As in "Don't tune me grief" = don't say irritating things to me.

chuck. Go. 'I'm chucking to town my china.'

Pozzie. House or home. "Meet you at my possie"

Jawl. Party or night out, or a fishing trip, or whatever. As long as it's fun, it's a jawl.

So there you have a brief list to get you going. String a couple of those together and you should get by! If you say it wrong the locals will let you off because of your strange accent and funny clothes!
