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Friday, October 3, 2008

Transform The Blank Shirts Into A Personal Statement

You can use white t shirts in order to print your own slogan on their sides. For instance, you can buy the cheap blank t shirts online and have them imprinted in no time. You have to become aware that appearance is everything when it comes to becoming a successful business man. The clothing items you wear are likely to have a deep impact on you too and you should pay attention to this detail in order to learn how to dress and what things you should wear so that people around you will notice your sense of style. For instance, you can have the blank shirts customized with funny logos that may look quite stylish on you.

Your success will be guaranteed and you will not have to spend a fortune in order to achieve this result. Therefore, you should go online because the internet can provide you with countless resources when it comes to jokes that can cater plenty of people. Your audience will be impressed and you are not likely to go unnoticed. For instance, you can use the cheap blank t shirts in order to have them customized and transformed into a personal branding strategy. Such customized t shirts can say a lot about your style and personality and you should become fully aware of this before choosing the final design that will be printed on the blank shirts.

You can mould your personal or business image by using the customized t shirts. You will be able to get your business or personal message across. The only thing that you will have to do is to choose a print that can have a strong impact on your audience. For instance, you can use the cheap blank t shirts in order to add a fresh touch to your personal attire. Your clothing will have a strong impact on the way people tend to perceive you and this aspect should be used for your own benefit. Therefore, you should stay away from having the same boring image as yesterday. Instead, you should go for witty prints and funny images in order to change the way you look in a dramatic manner.

You should go online and find the print that suits your needs best and have it placed on one of the blank shirts you already have in your wardrobe. By having the cheap blank t shirts customized, you will make sure that you are provided with a very expansive wardrobe. Your wardrobe is a part of what you are and you have to pay attention to this aspect in order not to make expensive mistakes. The online providers should be used in order for you to get the best fabrics and high quality because even the plainest t shirt should say something positive about your genuine personality and sense of style.

For instance, you may choose a supplier that will imprint your plain t shirts with funny messages. Such funny messages may make the perfect talking point and you can use them in order to have a conversation with a person you have met for the first time. Your t shirt is guaranteed to provoke the necessary humor that will save you both from getting bored while talking about weather. The funny slogan can be used as a sort of conversational route and the effects can be amazing. Therefore, your wardrobe needs to be revived and you should use the customized t shirts in order to achieve the wanted effects.

The customized t shirts are cheap and cheerful and you should think about this when wondering whether you should go for designed t shirts or not. Saving money on clothes should become your priority and you can start doing this by purchasing cheap blank t shirts from the online providers. The online suppliers will offer you a whole new outfit that can be customized according to your own wishes and they can offer you this for almost a fraction of the usual costs taht can be found in the retail stores.

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Needs To Know About Best Man Speeches

Best man speeches are a meant for honour and add interest to the occasion. Best man speeches are a tribute to the couple getting married. They are emotional, humorous, generous and happening. Best man speeches are meant to be remarkable; something that remain etched in the memory of the couple and the visitors. Best man speeches are delivered to display admiration for the bridegroom. However, best man speeches don’t ignore the bride. She gets full credit and honours too and the couple is congratulated for their wedding. The wishes for a life full of joy and happiness must be sincere and heartfelt. Best man speeches require display of emotions and feelings. Hence, you must not think twice. Display your respect, feelings and sincerity on the occasion.

Best man speeches are the most prominent part of the wedding occasion and the best man is selected by the groom. Hence, it is a great responsibility on the part of the speaker to address the occasion properly. Best man speeches are arranged for in advance. These best man speeches require prior preparation through websites, resources, lessons and tips. Best man speeches require efforts directed towards display of genuineness and sincerity blended with ounces of humor. They require good sense and appreciation. Personal introduction is necessary at the beginning along with the wishes to the couple. You must let the people know how you are related to the groom and how much the occasion means to you. You need to show the couple your sincerity. The words you use must be measured and need to be suitable for all audiences. Best man speeches are formal and brief.

Since, it is a huge responsibility, best man speeches are not offered to everyone. Only special people get to deliver them. They require great responsibility in their deliverance. Personal remarks must be sincere and in good spirit. Opportunity to thank the organizers and the involved must not be missed. If possible, names should be mentioned in order to give sincere appreciation. Humour and wit is a common element in best man speeches and the speaker must have a good sense of humour. Jokes and witty statements are well accepted by the groom on this occasion. However, you need to be presentable, intelligent and well mannered in the deliverance.

Best man speeches are usually given by people with an attractive personality. An empathizing attitude with the groom can help speakers to deliver effective and applauding best man speeches. Remember not to say something that embarrasses or causes offense to the groom. You ought to be well accentuated, verbose, sincere, genuine, presentable and ready for best man speeches. A complete preparation, probably through best man speeches websites or resources may help you. In case you are not prepared, websites offer readymade and well written best man speeches that may prove handy. These best man speeches are written by elegant people with a good rapport. Best man speeches available on websites are prepared after observation and research. They are being used largely for wedding receptions. Have a happy occasion!

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Zodiac Symbol Capricorn From Vedic Astrology

Many individuals pick up the paper and read their horoscope, but few really understand the Zodiac symbols or signs that they were born under and what their true meaning is. With Vedic Astrology, the study of the Zodiac is much more personalized with the understanding that the sun represents an individual's inner nature, personalities, and characteristics.

Capricorn, the Sea Goat, who is a methodical sure-footed climber, is a feminine sign and the tenth sign under the Zodiac calendar. The sea goat is half-goat and half-fish and symbolizes the death of the lower mind and birth of the spirit. In ancient times, the goat was a popular animal that was often sacrificed to the Gods as well. It is ruled by Saturn, which is known for its power of structure and responsibility, and the planet Mars, which is known for its action and desire.

Saturn is the king that gives individuals who are born under the Capricorn sign their karma, which is strong. Capricorn is an earth sign and individuals born under this sign tend to be possessive and quite jealous in nature. These individuals are also very goal-oriented and know what it takes to get the job done, so they are ambitious enough to try and acquire positions that have power and authority or positions that are admired by others.

Capricorn individuals are tenacious, logical, and equipped with urge to work long and hard. They will not hesitate at an opportunity to advanced or be promoted. They have a will to succeed in their strong will for personal ambition. These individuals are ambitious and are determined to succeed no matter what it may take and have the natural abilities of being executives or managers.

Early in life they have to learn how to overcome insecurities, but they will soon become grounded and succeed due to their initiative and overwhelming willingness to accept responsibilities.

One of the downfalls of Capricorns is that their pride is so strong that it makes it hard for them to admit whenever they are wrong or, when they are in need of assistance, to be able to ask others for help. They lack confidence that tends to make them defensive and even compete more aggressively to make up for this lack of confidence. They view this insecurity and their fears as a great weakness and try to hide these feelings and any other similar feelings from others, which does make it hard for others to become close to Capricorns. These individuals need a structured guideline to follow to obtain their goals, because if not, then they will often lose their way.

Capricorns are constantly in search of reaching the top and are happy to work hard and long to get what needs to be done to finish a job. Their readiness and energy is worthy in any given situation, but they can be lazy if they feel there is no need in working or if the same results can be achieved in another manner. Capricorns often fail to see the point of personal jokes, but their sense of humor is impeccable. They do hold grudges and beware for they might seek revenge as a result.

Capricorns tend to be builders, engineer, lawyers, business executives, and even politicians. Once they gain an understanding of a situation, then they are capable of easily manipulating it. These Capricorns live with traditional values, regulations, and rules along with thought and actions of proper behavior. At times, later in life these might be rejected.

Capricorns will develop good eating habits at an early age that they will keep with them as adults. They are actively competitive in sports and are known to be aggressive in their determination to win, but are gracious with losing. Capricorns enjoy participating in jogging, running, skating, hunting, wrestling, boxing, body building, and martial arts.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Think That Stupid People Are StupidI Think That Stupid People Are Stupid

The other day, I was with a friend and we were having a meal at a fine restaurant and the service was less than what we had expected. And then she said the funniest thing; she said, I really think that stupid people are stupid. She was referring to the waiter, who certainly was lacking in many regards. So, I laughed and said:

"I think stupid people are stupid too!"

And she told me:

"Oh really, well that's the definition you dummy!"

Yes, but I am a dummy, not stupid and just because you call me a dummy does not mean I am dumb, I might have said something dumb or blatantly obvious, but I am not dumb. And I'm definitely not stupid, like some people I know, you know what I mean? I mean surely you agree that Stupid people are Stupid right, if you didn't agree with that well, you wouldn't be too smart now would you.

There are low IQ people, who are not stupid, they just are not so smart. They are not necessarily dumb unless you get them in the room with a bunch of PhDs then they might look stupid or feel stupid, but they wouldn't be stupid. No, a stupid person is just plain stupid you know? That's it really.

Indeed, I am sure you the reader are a smart person and thus, you probably agree with us on this issue or you would not be reading this article in the first place. Let's just face it, stupid people are plain stupid!


Employment Handbook - Humor


It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your Salary. If we see you wearing $350 Prada sneakers &carrying a $600 Gucci Bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore you do not need a raise. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes and therefore you do not need a raise. If you dress in-between, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.


We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.


Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment.


Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday & Sunday.


All employees will take their vacation at the same time every year. The vacation days are as follows: Jan. 1, July 4 & Dec. 25


This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or coworkers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is done enough.


This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks notice, as it is your duty to train your own replacement.


Entirely too much time is being spent in the restroom. In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, all employees whose names begin with 'A' will go from 8:00 to 8:20. Employees whose names begin with 'B' will go from 8:20 to 8:40 and so on. If you're unable to go at your allotted time, it will be necessary to wait until the next day when your turn comes again. In extreme emergencies, employees may swap their time with a coworker. Both employees' supervisors must approve this exchange in writing. In addition, there is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will open and a picture will be taken. After your second offense, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.


The Greatest Indian Nuclear War

It's a deal, said Uncle Sam.

Right Sir, it's a deal, said Bharata, the India.

And then the war began.

The Indian communists are a most dedicated lot. They understood the crux of Marx so forcefully that they just could not divorce themselves from the hard basics-the conflict of Capitalism vs. Socialism. How on earth could they allow capitalistic USA to go ahead with the nuclear treaty or 123 agreement with their very own country? It was altogether a different matter whether they actually read the Nuclear Deal and its possible merits and demerits or not. Fortunately or unfortunately the communists formed a part of the ruling coalition government of the Indian Union.

Meeting and meetings between the coalition partners followed. Meetings held only to announce next dates, meetings with no results or meetings not attended by anybody. The interludes of 'Hey guys! Time is running out for the Deal. Hurry up!' by US spokespersons now and then made the drama all the more spicy. The only solid benefit that accrued from this was that the Indian media got regular headlines. And, the genuine opposition parties had absolutely nothing to deal with.

Invectives, charges, counter charges raged on for more than a year and on July 8, 2008 matters came to a head. The four left parties of the ruling coalition took the last resort and withdrew support reducing the government to a minority in the Indian parliament. For nearly two months prior to that they had been threatening to withdraw support. The war intensified.

Support for the government came from the most unexpected quarters. A leading political party of the Third Front which was formed as an alternative for the ruling alliance extended issue based support after consulting top nuclear scientists that the Deal was indeed beneficial for the country. Interestingly, the party that was named as a socialist one proclaimed no electoral motives or give and take or horse trading. They said their only interest was that of the country's welfare. Well, with general elections due early next year dissidence followed and the Third Front nearly broke up.

The fundamentalist right wing parties were not to lag behind. They made electoral preparations demanding a no confidence motion for the government as, they said, a minority government had no right to execute a deal and that they would definitely vote against the trust motion. The communists too promised to fight the government every step of executing the deal. The left and the right thus merged together in a most spectacular show of selfless national interest, maybe for the first time in the history of mankind.

Now the future of the Deal hung on the outcome of the trust motion. The government was sure of winning. The left, right, second, third and all fronted opposition are sure of pulling it down paving for early elections.

The war had presented all the shades. Lobbying, electoral give and takes, bargaining, horse trading, turnarounds, fence sitting and so on. Yet, as they all proclaimed, no politics.

Deal or no Deal, somebody is damn sure to have the last laugh. Who would it be?

Chinmay Chakravarty is a professional specialized in the creative field with over two decades of experience in journalistic writing, media co-ordination, film script writing, film dubbing, film & video making, management of international film festivals and editing of books & journals. Proficient in providing professional services in these related fields. Presently working in Mumbai Doordarshan as a News Editor.
