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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who Listens to Talk Radio?

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech. A good amendment. However, it has become increasingly apparent that we need an amendment to the Amendment. Perhaps it should read: "Proclamation. Let it be known to one and all, on this day of our Lord, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is hereby amended to allow free speech to everyone except those tired, bored, opinionated, megalomaniacal pedophiles that deem it necessary to call into talk radio stations, to express their uninteresting, without values, biased, hedonistic views." A little too strong?

Let's examine talk radio. What is it? Who does it benefit? Does it have any redeeming qualities? Is it leftist? Rightist? Should the Mets draft more relief pitchers? Questions that may go unanswered, but still require attention. Don't you think? (By the way, that question was rhetorical. No calls, please.)

Talk radio is nothing more than a host mentioning topics that they've seen in the newspaper, or some pet peeve that they feel necessary to bring up. (Like I care whether or not the host I'm listening to can't decide whether it's right or wrong to give a street beggar money.) Give him the damn quarter and let's get on with it.

No one really wants to hear him go on for fifteen minutes about the moral or ethical dilemma tearing him apart about whether he should choose paper or plastic bags at the grocery store. Not only that, but because he expresses this uncalled for residue all over the airwaves, he opens the door to invite every boring remonstrator to divulge their own feelings on this earth-stopping topic.

Some of the hosts are good at what they do. Some should have a Lomotil for their mouths. Others just have a squeaky, irritating voice that sounds like someone is slowly letting air out of a balloon.

Don't people have better things to do than sit next to their receivers, calling radio stations, and being put on hold for forty-five minutes, just so they can generate their pathetic, unintelligible feelings on the plight of the ringworm? Come on, people! Get a life! Nobody cares what you think and if you need a radio call-in show to vent your frustrations, perhaps your white-knuckled grasp of reality needs reconsideration.

I mean, excuse me, but wasn't commercial radio designed for entertainment purposes? What is so entertaining about some agoraphobic spouting verbal bilge, to a large listening audience, about their political or religious interpretation of the latest People Magazine article on Joe Biden's secret recipe for chocolate chili? If programs like these are what you need to form an opinion, maybe your opinions aren't worth forming.

The question arises to how talk radio was born? The most logical explanation can only be that some radio programming genius, one day, had to have been contemplating the disintegration of AM Radio by the smothering FM explosion and had a strong desire to express his dissatisfaction. With no place to turn, a bell must have rung in his capitalistic little mind and it must have been answered with a resounding, "I know, I'll put some witless announcer on the air, with the repartee of an aging antelope, the self esteem of a rusty kickstand and the intelligence quotient of cork and then invite listeners, in even worse shape, to verbally beat a dead horse." Good idea.

So, the next time you listen to talk radio, ask yourself, "Am I that incredibly hard up for entertainment that I've got to eavesdrop on these people, hard up for entertainment, calling talk show hosts definitely hard up for entertainment?"

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Make Fast Money - It's Everyone's Dream!

Here's 10 humorous ways to make fast money:

1. Have a bet - put a hundred on an evens shot and double your money - if it wins!

2. Sign up to online surveys - there's loads of them, they pay little individually, but if you have a spare few hours to do a few you can make a few bucks easily.

3. Sell what you don't need - clothes, toys, games, the car, the house - it's all money in the shape of something else.

4. Get onto a medical testing program - let someone inject you with harmful germs and make you ill for a few dollars.

5. Give blood - some places offer money for the red stuff, so get your sleeve rolled up and get with the program.

6. Learn some tricks and baffle your friends - this is an often forgotten way of making money, and of losing friends.

7. Play online poker - many poker rooms give sign up bonuses, by matching your initial deposit. All you have to do then is use your money, and their gift, to win some more.

8. Sign up to a referral programme - another way of losing your friends, as you need them to sign up, too, only you get paid before they do.

9. Have another bet - the first one didn't come in, so you borrow some money of your friends - if you have any left - and try again. You'll give it them back when it wins, of course.

10. Marry into money - to do this, and fast, you need certain attributes. charm, good looks, and a lot of luck. If you succeed, however, you're a better man than me!

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars in the next 10 minutes and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a TRUE "Rags to riches" story by Martin Thomas that is remarkable - he did it, we all did it and you can do it too! FREE!

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Daily Automation

Remember the days when we did things by hand, or better still we did them ourselves? Way back in the dark ages before the world became automatic. They were the good old days, mowing and watering our lawns by hand. We washed the car in the driveway and we even vacuumed our homes ourselves. This little bit of nostalgia got me thinking. How much have we automated out lives over the last twenty years?

Here's a list of the automation in my life over the past two decades. You may think of more.

· Automatic recording of video/TV programmes (Started in the 80's for me)

· Car washing - driving through a fully automated car wash (Probably need to do it more)

· Automatic garage door - now that's cool. Let's not underestimate that little beauty

· The automated coffee machine - makes better coffee than I can at that time in the morning

· Garden and lawn reticulation - it'll be dead if it was left to me to water it!

· Automatic gearbox in my car - an oldie but a goodie

· Home security system - am I the only one who forgets the pin code? (at 2 in the morning)

· Sensor lights - we all know how hard it is to flick the light switch

· Car navigation systems (GPS) - I'll never get my wife lost again - so she says!

· Robotic lawn mowers - now that's a sensible bit a gear, hooray!!

· Robotic vacuum cleaner (Hover if you come from that part of the world) - don't know what all the fuss is about

· Fully automated washing/drying machine - put your dirty clothes in and take your cleaned and dried cloths out. Still waiting for the ironing part. (They had it on Lost in Space)

· Automatic shopping - the standard weekly items just turn up in a box at the door - still haven't worked that one out yet.

· The spell checking as I write this post. On a PC. With Windows Vista. I can already sense the hate mail.

These are only a few of the life changing (lazy) automations that wiz around my family and I each week. If you have any more, please share them. Make a comment and we can compare.

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