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Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Cure Fomo

Fomo is a relatively unknown yet extremely common disease that infects many travelers in nearly every country of the world. Left untreated Fomo can lead to unpleasant physical effects including increased anxiety, sleep deprivation, irrational behavior, cold sweats, and depression.

While a small amount of people are immune to its effects, Fomo is a highly contagious disease that is often transmitted verbally without any physical contact. Travelers are often infected with Fomo early in their vacations, and are often plagued by its affects for the duration of their trips. Fomo is not limited to travelers however, and can infect anyone who meets the simple criteria for infection. While its effects are not often long term, a person can be infected with Fomo many times throughout their lives. It is estimated that Fomo will infect 9 out of every 10 people before the age of 25.

Chances are you yourself may have recently been infected with Fomo.

What is Fomo?

Fomo stands for (Fear Of Missing Out) and is the leading cause of stress among travelers. A traveler may be struck with Fomo anytime they wish go to sleep while others are still partying, anytime they decide to lie on the beach while others go to explore a cave, or even anytime a trip to the washroom is made with the possibility of missing a cool bar fight.

Fomo can affect different people in different ways, but is a disease often filled with anxiety and uneasiness over not being present for a specific event. The worst fear for someone suffering from Fomo is the phrase "Man you'll never believe what happened to us!!"

For some who have missed out on multiple unforgettable experiences and incredible stories, Fomo can be more prominent than the fear of death.

Ways to cure Fomo

- Say yes to every invitation no matter what it is.

Ensure you tag along for all adventures to minimize your possibility at missing out. Example:

Traveller A: Hey dude we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to-

Traveller B: YES!

- Only sleep during non-peak hours (4-9am)

Sleeping at any other time can lead to missing out on awesome stories or cool adventures multiplying the effect of Fomo in future cases.

- Throw your own parties

If you host parties at your own home you'll be able to remain at the center of all the action and never have to worry about leaving before the party's over.

- Ensure you are always dressed and pumped for action at any time

An unforgettable moment can arise at any time without warning. Wasting time 'getting ready' on your way to such an event is unacceptable. Ensure you can leave and be on the road towards the action in no more than 7 seconds.

- Keep a strong line of communication

You never know when your friend will call you screaming about an awesome cat fight that just started between two hot blondes. Ensure effective lines of communication are open to you at all times.

- Have a better adventure than everyone else

The absolute best way to avoid Fomo is to have your own adventures and ensure they are more awesome than everyone else's. It is impossible to fear missing out on someone else's fun when you are creating an even more unforgettable story yourself! This however can cause your friends to be infected with Fomo therefore spreading the disease.

Together we can beat Fomo

With these simple steps you can help stop the spread of Fomo and ensure you do not fall prey to its harmful effects. Educate others about Fomo and the ways to prevent or cure it. Together we can beat Fomo and live full healthy adventurous lives.

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Why Santa Needs Travel Insurance

With the largest toy factory in the world, an army of elves and a red velvet fur-trimmed suit, it appears that Santa has everything he could possibly want for Christmas. However, if Mrs. Claus wanted to get him something really useful then she couldn't go amiss with a cheap travel insurance policy. Here are five very good reasons for Santa to take out insurance before heading out on Christmas Eve:

Drunk and in Charge

When Santa flies over America they give him milk and cookies, but when he flies over the UK things really start to heat up with lashings of whisky and mince pies. Roughly 7.4 million families in UK have dependent children and as you can imagine that equates to a lot of whisky!

We imagine that Santa is used to driving in the North Pole, which Top Gear recently discovered had no drink-driving laws. In the UK and US Santa could receive a fine or even a night in the slammer if he was found to be drunk and in charge of a carriage. With 12 unruly reindeer to look after whilst inebriated, we doubt even Rudolph's nose could guide him out of this one. But, with a cheap travel insurance policy, Santa might have his legal costs covered if the worst came to the worst and he was taken to court.

Missing his mode of travel

Rudolph gets a rather disproportionate amount of carrots, when compared to the other reindeers and this has got to create a few stirrings of jealousy amongst the herd. In the event that the reindeer were to get into a ruckus and scarper, Santa could claim on his cheap travel insurance for the distress caused by missing his preferred mode of travel. After all he'd have to wait a very long time for another reindeer-drawn sleigh to appear on the roof-top.

Missed Baggage

Santa may have made his list and checked it twice, but if he were to lose a few gifts in the blizzards of the North Pole, then they'd be some very upset children around the world. Luckily for Santa, missing baggage is definitely something that he can claim for on his
cheap travel insurance policy. Sadly he wouldn't be able to get the gifts to the children before Christmas, but with so many excess presents we're sure that Santa wouldn't have any problem finding a suitable replacement in his stash.

Breaking and Entering

Breaking and entering is a serious crime, but surprisingly most people don't mind if the perpetrator in question is a Mr. S. Claus. But Santa's had a lucky break so far, and all it takes is a modern day Scrooge to stop him in his tracks and then it's straight down to the nick for him. We're not sure that there's a valid defence to breaking and entering, but with a possibility of up to £25,000 worth of legal cover on some cheap travel insurance policies Santa could certainly afford the best representation available.

Food Poisoning

We're not sure that anyone anywhere would wilfully poison Santa. However, the big man does eat an awful lot and with a mince pie at every house in the UK, chances are that there will be a bad one. In Bulgaria, tradition dictates that a carp is left out for Santa Claus and when you add that in the mix, food poisoning seems almost inevitable. Luckily for Santa much of Christmas Day and Boxing Day are spent sleeping, but if Santa had made any plans that he had to cancel as a result of food poisoning, then his cheap travel insurance would allow him to put in a claim for loss of enjoyment.

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Quoth the Vasectomy Doctor, - "Nevermore"

Recently, a very close friend of mine decided to make the ultimate contraceptive sacrifice for his marriage. That's right men. The big "V", a vasectomy.

I, er, my friend, thought that it would be no big deal. Snip, snip, snip, you're done. Safe sex, at least in terms of a monogamous married couple. No one detailed the prolonged period of cold anxiety sweats that would have to be endured prior to the actual operation, or the weeks of pain during rehabilitation to the most personal, scary and misunderstood area of a man's body. By the way, in the interest of decency, I will set a sophisticated, yet clinical tone to this tale and refer to that area as "THAT AREA."

Oh sure, my friend was Mr. Cool walking into the urologist"s office. He'd made an appointment the day before. The first clue that this experience would be more like having red-hot 6-inch screws power-drilled up his nostrils than getting a pedicure was when the receptionist asked him to pay for the work in advance, as if a vasectomy patient could run away before the cashier could get his money. The next step was pretty standard, signing a release form. The signing did give him pause to reflect when he realized he was releasing the doctor from any responsibility - this doctor who was wielding needle-pointed and razor sharp instruments in "THAT AREA." What if he was hung over? Or late for a golf date? What if he in a hurry to see his mistress after the operation? From that point on, though, this "minor operation" became for "THAT AREA" a twilight zone of terror. After all, many scientists and other smart people (actually, mostly just women) consider "THAT AREA" to be the epicenter of a man's soul, the core of his being, his switchboard to life. But that may be going a bit too far (or not).

My friend was led to the operating room by the nurse. He was told to strip from the waist and lay down. She would be back in a minute, she told him. My friend raised his eyebrows. Where were you when I was single, he thought. (Let me clarify for anyone who is ready this, including my wife. I wouldn't have thought that at all, but my friend possibly may have. But I don't even know that for sure.)

My friend dutifully followed the nurse's instructions. Moments later she returned with shaving cream and a razor, a long, sharp, glistening-in-the-light, straight edged razor. Immediately the sweat started beading up on his lip. "I prefer an electric razor, if you don't mind," he said to the nurse. The nurse glared at him, slowly shook her head from side to side, and smiled malevolently. She proceeded.

In a matter of minutes my friend was as bare as a newborn in "THAT AREA." That part over, he was relieved. "It probably won't get any worse than that," he thought, reassuring himself. Then the doctor came into the room. He picked up a scalpel and a hypodermic needle. The scene shifted into slow motion. He moved toward my friend. "Would it be possible to just sacrifice a few limbs to a fertility god, and get the same results?" my friend stammered. The doctor smiled ghoulishly. "In a manner of speaking that's what we're going to be doing." He laughed. Lightning flashed through the window. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" my friend remarked. The doctor continued with his labors. "This might hurt a little bit," he said as he drew his needle, making the understatement of the century, in that puckish manner all doctors seem to have.

For the duration of the operation, "AHHHHHHHHHHH" became the operative phrase, so to speak. Much to the astonishment of my friend, as the love life threatening work continued, the doctor and nurse carried on a conversation about every banal subject known to man. (I might mention, though, that the nurse did happen to bring up the subject of a logging company. Personally, I think it was Freudian. No brag intended, for my friend, that is, of course.) For several days after the operation any quick movement brought excruciating pain to the precise area that a man instinctively feels the strongest aversion to avoid pain. For the first time in his life my friend went out of his way to avoid stimulation in "THAT AREA."

As agonizing as the whole event was (and women think childbirth is tough - HA!) it was definitely worth it. At least that's what my friend says. Now with his newly vasectomized parts, when he makes love to his wife he feels like a movie star in an action-adventure movie - he can shoot his gun all he wants, but no one ever gets hit.

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Asking For Driving Directions - Man's Kryptonite

Here's the deal: boys like trucks and fast cars; girls love anything pretty and pink; and men - you know it's true - simply cannot find the will within themselves to put away the over-sized map and stop to ask for driving directions. This is just the truth. There, I said it.

If, perchance, they actually find themselves making the stop to ask the taboo question (I 'dunno, crazy things happen sometimes) then your fellow will 9 times out of 10 come back with a scowl on his face complaining that the store clerk is an idiot. So as we girls learn to understand and accept this irrefutable fact of life (much like we submit dutifully to our monthly visit from "Aunt Ruby"), we must become savvy in dealing with the "car bandit" in a more pro-active way - trust me, save your breath and focus on getting to the destination before the party is over and all the food is gone.

In lieu of insisting that you MUST get in the driver's seat, there's one extremely easy method that, in it's preliminary stages, appears to work magnificently. Be warned however, that there might be unpredictable reactions from your guy - like disorientation and selective absentmindedness (yes, he'll claim that he doesn't know what you're talking about if you bring it up). Here's the plan: Okay, so it's undeniably clear that you're lost (that is, is clear to you). Start behaving as if you're in the car by yourself - scoot toward the window like you're taking a nap; do a puzzle, sing along softly to some music - anything that makes a show of your being completely oblivious that anything is wrong. No matter what - do not even glance in your guys direction. If he happens to ask you to look at a map, say "Okay!" in a very cheerful voice and as soon as you pick up the map and begin to unfold it, quickly tell him "Oh, I really have to go to the bathroom badly - I've got a cramp, can you please find somewhere to stop?!"

And while you're waiting for him to find a gas station, do a little lavatory shake like children do when they really have to go potty. When you get to the gas station, head directly to the rest room and wait again. If it is not feasible to do that because folk are waiting (or if it is just really unpleasant... It's a gas station after all), then come out of the restroom and at a leisurely pace, skim around the store, picking out a few things.

Now here's the vital part - by this time your man has possibly approached somebody for directions. Regardless of whether he has or not, you need to now inconspicuously approach the counter and ask for directions on your own. Jot down notes if you can because your guy certainly did not do that if he asked first. If he catches you and tells you not to trouble with it as he has already gotten the directions, say "Oh, yep I know, but the clerk told me he didn't needed to add one more thing." Quickly finish writing the directions down (and try not to pay attention to the bewildered look on the cashier's face).

Now you've got 2 sets of directions (yours of course is the correct one) and you're on the road again! And, with some luck, you'll make it to the party with time to spare. Remember though, your fellow will not have a memory of this little incident. But he WILL wax on about the route he took and how much faster it was than the driving directions he originally got from the party host. Try this one out for yourself ladies and never arrive just in time to take home a doggie bag again! You can thank me later. Safe travels!

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