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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Making Your Own Clown Shoes

Like the red clown nose, this is probably one of the most important pieces of a professional clown's clothing. But you can not afford the money for a pair of deluxe leather clown shoes.

So it's now time to make your own clown shoes.

But how do you start out to make yours?

Feel free to pick up some ordinary sneakers, the bigger the sneaker, the better for this project. Now go wild and decorate it

* color them with bright paint, the brighter the better

* Sew on some buttons

* Add some stripes with paints or sewed on ribbons

* Add some polka dots with paints or sewed on

* Glue on some little items, like plastic flowers (something that relates to your clown's character)

Instant Clown Shoes

They are high top sneakers with the name of Chuck Taylor's and are made by Converse. And they come in several styles. Price is thirty dollars to sixty dollars. Buy a pair of size 22 or larger, put them on and you have Instant Clown shoes.

Other Ideas

Glue a normal-size shoe inside a pair of size twenty-two shoes! That way, you get to wear a comfortable pair, and still look like a clown with really large shoes. Or just do one as a size twenty-two and leave the other shoe as a normal size

Or put the right normal-size shoe inside the left clown-size shoe, and vise-verse. This looks like your feet are reversed. You will get stares and double takes from people as you walk around in these shoes.

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Making Money Online the Easy Way - Working 24-7-365!

Luckily, I don't need much sleep. I have this idea in my mind that will not let me rest. Even though there are a billion and a half money making ideas out there with business models to back them up, including all the requisite websites, I know I've got something that can edge its way right in there. I can and will make money online hand-over-fist the easy way: 24/7/365. Success will not elude this guy. Am I delusional? So?

Here's all you do: sign up for everything, close your eyes very tightly, and hope a miracle happens. That's what I've been reduced to. Keep throwin' the ol' hat in the ring. Take another swing for the fences. We can all be Don Quixote if we want to!

No kidding aside, maybe I would actually make more money if just quit spending it on "Hopes & Dreams, Inc."That's a little fictitious name I have for where my head has always been at. I view myself as part entrepreneur, part fool. It's the perfect combo. But, isn't anybody who's ever become wildly successful been pretty much equal parts of each?

I mean, you gotta be pretty "out there" and off the wall to have that great idea in the first place. And, you need to be kooky and funky enough to get noticed. We've all seen this. But, we never think it can be us. Well, I do. What the holy hell, aye?

Consider doing what I do: stay sober and dream like there's no tomorrow. I figure the day I quit dreaming and hoping means I am no longer living.

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What If They Could Build Seat Specific Aircraft?

I'm comfortable on my lounge. I'm the same way on the floor in front of my TV. I'm even comfortable sitting at my work desk.

I'm not comfortable squeezed into a domestic low cost carrier economy seat. For the 98% of us who look for the cheapest seat to get us there, what alternatives do we have? Call me precious. Call me soft and call me a snob. Just don't subject my less than flexible limbs to the pretzel intricacies required for such flying.

Having recently flown on several low cost carriers, I'm here to tell you a chiropractor should be costed into the ticket price. How you would extricate yourself in an emergency is beyond me. Even if I was prepared to pay for a technologically infused and heated pizette, I couldn't physically fit it into my body. Monty Python jokes aside, I'd likely burst as I tried to squeeze the food into my mouth because there was no more room for anything. Big breathes were a challenge.

I see a bright future for specific seat size passenger jets.

Talljet. Thinjet. I'm on a diet fromNextweekjet. The list goes on and is only limited by the imagination of the marketing department and the need to find a niche market and isn't that what the airlines are looking for?

The airlines need to start thinking about differentiating themselves via the above. Thinjet will get you there in style in the ultra comfortable thin seats that guarantee you an armrest every time. What about the fittest of the fit flying on Fitness Firstjet, only wheat grass drinks and carrot sticks? Or a Weight Watchersjet? Or a Footballersjet that could be hosed out after each flight. There could even be Tripledeckerjets for vertically challenged passengers. Think about that height bar at Disneyland at the start of many rides. As long as you fit under this bar, you can fly on this plane. Three levels on the A380 is certainly not out of the question.

Specific information would need to be supplied and carried on your frequent flyer card. At the airport you would need to fit through a frame similar to what they have now for your carry on luggage to make sure you are boarding the right plane.

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Say, Isn't That BILL in the Display Case?

Well, kids, I know where I'm going when I die. I'm not talking about anything supernatural or metaphysical...I'm talking about the physical reality of death and what's gonna happen to this old, Parky body of mine.

I MAY be coming to a Medical School near YOU!

That's right, boys and girls. My body, my Earthly remains, this vessel I've been using to walk around with since 1955 will revert to the Anatomy Gifts Registry at the moment I shuffle off this mortal coil. Got a nice little letter and two laminated cards to prove it. The letter thanks me for "my admirable decision to help advance medical science and education." The cards give instructions for what Gail should do the minute I curl up my toes and stop responding to outside stimulus.


(That's cute. "Passing." Like I'm an NFL quarterback. "GO LONG, JIM! I'LL HIT YOU NEAR THE PYLON!")

1. Death should be confirmed by proper authorities (i.e., call 911).

Good idea! I might just be taking a nap. Hate to have to disappoint the AGR people when they show up with the wagon, only to have to tell them I'm not dead yet. Best have these things confirmed by experts first.

2. Once death is pronounced, CALL AGR, not a Funeral Home.

Again, good idea! The last thing we want is for some funeral home guys standing around getting into fist fights with the AGR guys over who gets the carcass.

3. If there is no letter on the front of the donor number on this card, AGR must obtain a telephone consent from the legal next-of-kin.

No worries there. We have a letter in front of my donor number. It's a "W".

4. Once consent is given, AGR will make all necessary arrangements with a local mortuary service to assist in the body donation process.

That means they'll send someone they trust to pry my corpse out of the bathtub, or wherever it may happen to be when the angels come calling.


They'll pick and choose what to chuck or use. My brain could wind up in a brain bank somewhere for further study of Parkinson's disease. My spine and other joints could go to an orthopedic college to be used to study the affects of osteoarthritis. My liver and kidneys could be donated to some institute to determine how well they filtered the gallons of scotch I've consumed in my lifetime. I try not to think about my intestines being used as sausage casings or other such inappropriate uses, which AGR swears will never happen because they will treat my body with respect and dignity until they burn the scraps and ship them to Gail.

And none of this will cost her a cent!

Hey, ya gotta die sometime. And rather than put my family through the morbid and macabre ritual of the American funeral where everyone comes to get a glimpse at my nicely embalmed corpse while they talk about me like I'm not even THERE (which, of course, I won't be), better this old jalopy gets used for parts.

It's the SCIENTIFIC thing to do!

Now, let's just hope this isn't the opening chapter of some Stephen King-like novel where I start seeing a black van with the AGR logo following me... waiting... watching... and what will they do when they get IMPATIENT?


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Don't Play Chicken With Your Colon

Of all the lessons I have learned in life, one of the most important is this: "Don't play Chicken with your Colon!!" For those of you who don't know what a game of "Chicken" is, I will explain. "Chicken" is often portrayed in movies when two people, both of whom are operating a vehicle of some sort like a car, a motorcycle, or a submarine (See "The Hunt For Red October"), decide to aim their respective vehicles at one another in an effort to see who will turn first. Obviously, the first person to turn is the "Chicken."

In the movies, this reckless display of machismo may seem like good fun, especially since there is usually a woman watching the contestants. Once the winner is determined, she then thinks "Wow! He just won a game of Chicken! I wonder what makes him tick? I wonder if he'd like to know what makes me tick?" And a few scenes later the "ticking" inquiry has been resolved.

Now here is the important tip of the day: "This does not work when your opponent is your Colon!" I know you know what I am talking about. It's happens when you are, say, studying in the library, and you get that faint feeling that you may need to hit the bathroom. Or maybe you are at work, and that Egg McMuffin you had for breakfast just isn't playing nice with the rest of the food in your stomach. That's how the game starts, because you think to yourself "Hmmm, I can hold it for a little while, and use the toilet in the privacy of my own home." And then your Colon responds "Uh, hey pal. This is the warehouse calling. You've been storing up for the last 24 hours, and is rejecting our offers to sell. eBay won't let us log on, and speaking of "logs" even our posting in the "Free Stuff" section of Craigslist doesn't work. You're gonna have to go... NOW!"

When your Colon says this to you, your next response is critical. If you say something stupid like "Hey, I am in charge here, and you'll tough it out until I say its time!" well, you're in for a fight that will not turn out well for you, my friend. And trust me; there will be no Babe who has viewed this game of Chicken that will want to come anywhere near you.

On the other hand, it is also a good practice to avoid the opposite mistake of saying "Mr. Colon, you're right, and I will now drop everything and find the nearest commode." If you do this, your Colon will become more hyper than a Yellow Lab who sees you going for the leash! Trust me; you won't make it to the door!

It's best to take the lawyerly method. Simply stand up and while aimlessly walking around think to yourself "Mr. Colon, taking your offer of immediate evacuation under advisement, may I propose a counter offer, of a short delay with a promise to never again eat 5 day old chicken, hamburger, or undercooked eggs. In addition, I will workout on a regular basis until I have achieved a 6-pack set of abs. I will also buy flowers for my wife." Now here is the key, by making the terms of the counter offer as lengthy as possible, you have now bought yourself time to get to a stall. Maybe it's long enough to drive home, maybe not, but at least you maintain control. And don't worry about making good on all those promises, when the Colon goes to demand enforcement, you have a built in technicality. You can just tell him that it was merely a proposed counteroffer that became moot once you hit the can.

Law School Tuition: $120,000

Book and supplies: $10,000

Living Expenses: $45,000

Tricking Your Colon by Using Effective Negotiation Tactics: Priceless.

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